
Thesis entitled: "The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 An Investigation"

Volume entitled; "Note sur les moteurs a petrole pour sous-marins"

Beregning af lange sporisolationer

Albums documenting the laying of the Trans-Pacific cables

Albums documenting the laying of submarine cables (Sierra Leone-Ascension, Durban-Mauritius)

Volume entitled: "Structural Air Raid Protection in England and Abroad"

Summons for exceeding speed limit of 12 miles an hour with a light locomotive on 19 July 1903

Volume titled 'Newman's Indian Bradshaw, A Guide for Railway Travellers in India No 879 February 1939'

Album, compiled and written, documenting the laying of the Durban-Mauritius and the Sierra Leone-Ascension submarine cables

Album documenting the laying of the Vancouver-Fanning Island-Fiji sections of the Pacific submarine cable

Album documenting the laying of the first three stages of the Mauritius-Rodriguez-Cocos-Fremantle-Glenelg submarine cable

'Photography as an aid to the exploration of new countries' by J. Bridges Lee

An edition of the 'Journal of the Society of Arts' No. 2578, Vol. 1

An edition of 'Nature' Vol. 66, No. 1705

'Radio Division 37 Staff Statistics'

Automobile Gearing

Automobile Motor Cam Shaft, Valve Spindles & Gearing

Automobile Motor & Accessories

AVRO Manchester Tender Specification

An edition of 'The Builders Journal and Architectural Record' Vol. XIV, No. 362

Railway Signal Volume 24 (1906)

Issue of "The Strand" magazine, March 1921

Album documenting the laying of the final stage of the Mauritius-Rodriguez-Cocos-Fremantle-Glenelg submarine cable

Album documenting the laying of the Queensland-Norfolk Island-New Zealand-Fiji sections of the Pacific submarine cable

Album documenting the laying of the Manila-Guam-Midway-Honolulu sections of the Pacific submarine cable

A collection of glass lantern slides capturing the development of flight from an early set of images from the 1909 aviation meeting held at Reims, France through to images of aircraft from Imperial Airways and flying boats in the late Thirties.

The History of Aircraft and Flying


Bound volume entitled: "History of BTR Industries Limited"


Techniccal diagram: Control diagram


Hon. C. S. Rolls sketch for car engine


Letter from Sir Kenelm Edward Digby to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of London


Letter from Hiram Stevens Maxim to Sir Joseph Wilson Swan

2 sheets

Drawings of Horse Slaughterer's Cart


Publicity poster: "The New Hudson Silver Arrow; a real sporting sports; light, lively and good looking"


Letter from Sir Joseph William Swan to Ellice Clerk


Monochrome photograph of the king Edward VII in his vehicle - 1903 24hp Daimler

Depicts 66 members of staff and 3 cars outside part of factory.

Photograph of staff of Vauxhall Motors Ltd.


'High pressure research at Alkali Division of ICI' - typescript by Frank Bebbington

4 sheets

Plans relating to Cody army aeroplane

3 items

Items relating to Hiram S Maxim (1840-1916) and F J Tricket (1871-1956).


Letter from Sir William Flinders Petrie to an unnamed correspondent


Engineering drawing: Wearmouth Bridge, Reconstruction. Sunderland


Bulletin from Lord Chamberlain's office, St. James's Palace, S.W.


Printed sale catalogue entitled: "Catalogue of the entire stock of Machinist, Millwright and Implement Agents, including about 60 lots of Farm Implements"


Report titled: "New River Company. Pumping Machinery, 10th July 1903 with Marginal Notes"


Official programme for the "Ville de Nice, Grande Semaine Aeronautique Internationale du 26 mars au 2 avril 1922"

5 sheets

Construction drawings of Oxfordshire Waggon

8 items

Collection of monochrome images relating to Percy Lambert and the 25hp 4 1/2 litre side valve Talbot car, the first to cover over 100 miles (103.84) in the hour, at Brooklands, on 13 Feb 1913


Valve setting [i.e. timing] diagram for a 1912 Clement Talbot motor car

12 items

Folder of photos entitled '12 Wembley Snapshots'


Engineering drawing of Newcastle-Gateshead Bridge